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Telesys Manager is aspiring to becoming leading software in the hospitality industry, designed for both the mid - market and luxury hotel sectors: includes middleware to front office management systems and data collection from various peripheral systems (PABX, PayTV, and others). While integrating all in-house software (front and back office), our product makes sure you can keep your hotel or business on the right track even if, changes are made to your system.
There are unique features in the Telesys Manager products that you will not find in any other similar application. All were structured using as guide our customer's feedback and experience combined with our staff's expertise on the field.
Our application's modules are totally flexible and custom made. This results to production of specific solutions although the general idea remains a benefit for all.
Our main goal is to increase your business profit and cost reduction through research and development by implementing new technology that covers your needs. We do not use that new technology just to be contemporary, but only if it is of need or our when customer demands so. We believe that ..."if a system works, don't touch it." This policy has granted us our customers' trust through our 20 years of presence in the market.
Therefore, TELESYS provides the Front-Office operator with the aggregated data collected from a number of different sources while at the same time manages all peripheral systems according to Front-End requests e.g. phone and Pay TV unlock upon check-in, View Bill on room TV upon client request.
As an example, the connection between TELESYS and FIDELIO F/O System leverages FIAS 2.1 protocol, providing almost all available types of info exchange such as:
check-in/out, room change
Customer personal data, language, Guest Rights, Card Usage and Authorization
All Types of charge postings (peripherals, POS, Mini Bar, etc)
Guest discounts, credit data and rights
View Bill and other reporting functions